Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Guess Who? 2008-4-15

Image In Hospital Brings Some To Tears, Prompts E-Mails

An unexplained image in a hospital prayer garden window moved some people to tears and drew groups of people to a hallway before vanishing, according to witnesses.

A crowd inside the Florida Hospital Medical Complex in Orlando snapped photos of the image apparently showing the profile of Jesus Christ crying."There was just a whole bunch of people putting their cell phones to the window, so I went over there and I saw a glow," witness Joel Cruzada said. "When you are standing there and there is a flurry of people talking about it, you are like, 'Wow, I'm actually here.'"

O.K. now, this one is a little more plausible. It disappeared after a while. There is no profit motive here.

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